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How The Computer Industry Has Become More Eco-Friendly

There are significant developments that have come from the technology sector in the last few years when it comes to going green and being environmentally conscious. Global warming and a whole host of other environmental issues are a major concern around the globe and it’s no wonder that the computer industry has made efforts of their own. New Zealand launched an ambitious plan to get 90% of its energy from renewable sources by 2025. Kohl’s, JC Penny and Office Depot have announced green building plans. General Electric has doubled sales from environmentally friendly products in the last few years.

Computers are difficult to recycle which is a problem considering that computers are made with a decent amount of lead, cadmium, brominated fire retardants and plastics. Processor speed has followed Moore’s Law causing energy use to increase. Out of the $250 billion spent around the world annually powering computers, an estimated 85% of that energy was wasted idling. As a result, computers have been blamed for causing as much global warming as the airline industry.

Fortunately, the computer industry has been working on going green the last few years. Computers have sophisticated power saver and hibernation modes as well as laptops that don’t drain the battery as fast. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have been adopted on a large scale and they represent a substantial savings over the less-efficient cathode ray tube (CRT) technology.

Dell made it their goal to become the first major computer company to become carbon neutral, which means reducing emissions across all Dell facilities and operations, as well as buying renewable power and offsetting the remaining balance. This has been done partly through a cooperative tree-planting program. Dell also holds their suppliers accountable for their emissions.

The Environmental Protection Agency released a report showing that data centers in the United States have the potential to save up to $4 billion in annual electricity costs by using more energy efficient equipment and operations, in addition to management best practices.

Intel, Dell, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo and sun Microsystems joined with the Environmental Protection Agency, the World Wildlife Fun and other similar groups to develop an ambitious industry-wide goal of cutting down on the amount of energy computers consume.

Next time you’re on the market for a new computer, choose an energy star compliant computer by making sure the computer of your choice has the energy star label. Many computer users don’t realize that if your computer is plugged in, it is continuing to use electricity even if it is off or in standby mode. A computer uses up to 10 watts when it is turned off but still plugged in. Plug all your electronics into one power strip so you can easily switch them all off when they are not in use.

The Law of Nature

Don’t be in a hurry

A man who was very fond of trees wanted to see a green tree in the courtyard of his home. He thought that if he planted a sapling, it would take a long time to grow into a tree.

So, he went to a garden and selected a fully grown tree. He then employed several laborers to dig it up and then transport it to his courtyard where he had it planted.

The man was very happy. He thought to himself: "I have traveled a long journey in a single day. Planting a sapling or a seed would have been a lengthy business and now I have found quick way of having a lush green tree."

But the next morning when he looked at the tree, he found that its leaves had begun to wither, and after a few days the whole tree dried up. He was disappointed. When one of his friends visited him, he found him in a very sad mood. When he asked the reason, he said: "I am in a hurry, but God isn't."

This story instructs us about the law of nature, which is based on gradual development and not on sudden leaps. One who follows this law of nature will be successful, while the one who fails to follow it, will be doomed to failure.

This law of nature is applicable not only to trees: it is a universal law. In every field, one must follow this natural course; otherwise one cannot attain any worthwhile goal. 

Why is it that when the tree was in the garden, it was green, but when the same tree was transferred to another place -- the courtyard -- it dried up? The reason is that when the tree was in the garden, it had its roots intact, but when it was transferred to the courtyard, it had very few of its roots left. And it is roots that give life to a tree.

This is a law of nature and this law of nature applies to all human activities. It is the need of every business, every profession, and every institution to have proper roots, that is, a sound basis. There is no exception to this law of nature. 

For example, education is the basis for a job, reputation is the basis of a business, and infrastructure is the basis of national development. Constructing a really solid foundation requires a long period of time; you cannot have such a foundation by just taking wild leaps.

When you are in a hurry to achieve something, it means that you are denying the law of nature. You want to build a world on your own and this kind of procedure is not possible in this world. Those who engage in a gradual process will find support in nature; and without such support no achievement is possible in this world. 

Why did God decree this gradual process as the course of nature? He did so for the purpose of consolidation. If you try to achieve something by leaping into things, the final result will be like an uprooted tree. But when you adopt the gradual process, you consolidate your achievement.

An agriculturist once rightly pointed out that it requires only six months to grow a kakdi plant, but if you want to grow a tree like the oak, it will take fifty years to produce a full grown tree. From this example one can understand how the law of nature functions. 

What is meditation?

The Definitions Of Meditation

We can define meditation as the following  R's :

1. Returning:
Meditation is the technique of returning to the original qualities of the self, namely peace, purity, love, bliss and wisdom. We can only do that by taking our thoughts inwards.

2. Relaxing:
In meditation, the mind disconnects itself from the thoughts of anything external and connects with the inner self. In this way, it is able to receive the positive current of the original strength of the self: a peaceful source of energy. However, at first, it can be difficult to disconnect the many plugs of our everyday life: the plugs of attachment,speed, worry, being busy, etc. It does take some effort. 

3. Remembering:
As the mind relaxes and gently concentrates on the 'point source' of peace energy, situated at the center of the forehead (during the practice of meditation), the  individual begins to remember their spiritual identity. The reason why people are so disoriented in their lives and why they often find life boring, tedious, or empty is because they have forgotten who they truly are.

4. Releasing:
As we remember the forgotten reality of the self as a spiritual being and begin to experience our inner source of peace, we are released from the negativity of our mind: wasteful thinking and thoughts filled with doubt, fear and worry - the three great dragons that dominate our mind constantly.

Have a Peaceful Life & Enjoy Day to Day Life

Calculating an age between two dates using the DATEDIF function in EXCEL

It is easy to determine the number of days between any two dates simply by subtracting one from the other, but it is extremely difficult to return a string that says something like '24 years, 6 months and 8 days'. The maths and logic involved in this apparently straightforward question are very complex. You may wish to try it using the MONTH() and DAY() functions, but make sure you thoroughly test your formula!
An Excel function called DATEDIF() will perform this calculation although it is not included within the Excel help files or the function wizard until Excel 2000. It does however exist in previous versions of Excel. It takes the following structure: =DATEDIF(Date1, Date2, OutputRequirement). The first two parameters are simple, although you must ensure that the second date is greater than the first. The OutputRequirement parameter is a character code (typed inside inverted commas) that specifies the type of value you wish to obtain.
"d"DaysThe number of days between Date1 and Date2.
"m"MonthsThe number of complete months between Date1 and Date2.
"y"YearsThe number of complete years between Date1 and Date2.
"yd"Days excluding YearsThe number of days between Date1 and Date2, as if Date1 and Date2 were in the same year.
"ym"Months excluding YearsThe number of months between Date1 and Date2, as if Date1 and Date2 were in the same year.
"md"Days excluding Months and YearsThe number of days between Date1 and Date2, as if Date1 and Date2 were in the same month and the same year.

This function is ideally suited to calculating someones precise age on any particular date or the number of days until your next birthday. The first date can be your date of birth and the second date is either entered in another cell by the user, or automatically set to todays date with the NOW() function.
The diagram illustrates the difference between the different types of day count. The first formula (row 26) counts the total number of days between the 2 dates. The next formula counts the days which are the remainder after the whole years are deducted. The final formula returns the number days after both the whole years and the months have been deducted.
30First DateSecond Date
31Date as typed02/05/9706/06/07
32Date formatted02 May 9706 Jun 07
33Years10 [B33] =DATEDIF(B31, C31, "Y")
34Months1 [B34] =DATEDIF(B31, C31, "YM")
35Days4 [B35] =DATEDIF(B31, C31, "MD")

38Your age is 10 years, 1 months and 4 days.
39[A38] ="Your age is " & TEXT(B33, "0") & " years, " &
TEXT(B34, "0") & " months and " & TEXT(B35, "0") & " days."

23First DateSecond Date
24Date as typed02/02/8406/06/07
25Date formatted02 Feb 8406 Jun 07
26DateDif using 'D' argument8525
27DateDif using 'YD' argument125
28DateDif using 'MD' argument4

Mobiles pose health risk, says Govt Panel

NEW DELHI: Radiation from mobile phones and towers poses serious health risks, including loss of memory, lack of concentration, disturbance in the digestive system and sleep disturbances, according to an inter-ministerial committee formed by the ministry of communications and information technology to study the hazards posed by mobile phones. 

The committee has also attributed the disappearance of butterflies, bees, insects and sparrows vanishing from big cities to mobile phone-related radiation

The eight-member committee, which included representatives from the health ministry, department of biotechnology and member secretary, DoT, has recommended that mobile phones not adhering to standard levels of specific absorption rate (SAR) - a measure of the amount of radiofrequency energy absorbed by the body while using a phone -- should be barred. 

It has said mobile towers should not be installed near high density residential areas, schools, playgrounds and hospitals. "The localized SAR value as per the Indian guidelines standard is 2 watt per kg, averaged over a six minute period and using a 10 gram average mass. With higher SAR values of mobile handsets the public could potentially receive much higher radiofrequency exposure. We have recommended that SAR levels to be lowered down to 1.6 watt/kg, as prescribed by the Federal Communication Commission of US," said a member. 

Dr R S Sharma, ICMR scientist who represented the health ministry on the committee, said the findings are based on case studies presented by different experts. He added that the recommendations would be used to formulate a national policy and guidelines on electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation for telecom towers. 

"In the case of a person using a cellphone, most of the heating occurs on the surface of the head, causing its temperature to increase by a fraction of a degree. The brain blood flow is capable of disposing this excess by increasing the local blood flow and increasing body temperature," states the report. It says that the non-thermal effects of cellphone use — attributed to the induced electromagnetic effects inside the body's biological cells — are more harmful. 

"People who are chronically exposed to low-level wireless antenna emissions and users of mobile handsets have reported feeling several unspecific symptoms during and after its use, ranging from burning and tingling sensation in the skin of the head, fatigue, sleep disturbances, dizziness, lack of concentration, ringing in the ears, reaction time, loss of memory, headache, disturbance in digestive system and heart palpitation," the report says. 

The committee was chaired by Ram Kumar, advisor (technology), department of telecommunications, and had Arvind Duggal from the department of biotechnology and R N Jindal from the environment ministry among its other members. 

Member scientist, ICMR R S Sharma said that compared to Europeans, Indian cellphone users are more at risk for adverse affect of radiation due the country's hot tropical climate, low body mass index, and low fat content. "We have recommended amendment in the Indian Telegraph Act 1885 and rules so that only mobile handsets satisfying radiation standards should be permitted in the country," he said. 

The report suggests that children, adolescents and pregnant women should avoid excessive use of cellphones. People in general should use hands-free technologies to minimize the contact of the head with cell phone. "People having active medical implants should keep their cellphone at least 30 cm away from the implant," it adds. 

Said Girish Kumar, professor in the department of electrical engineering at IIT Bombay, whose research on hazards of cellphone use was taken as a reference for the committee decision, "There is a 400% increase in the risk of brain cancer among teenagers using cell phones for long periods. The younger the child, the deeper is the penetration of electromagnetic radiation as children`s skulls are thinner. 

Another government-funded study on radiation from mobile phones and towers at the Jawaharlal Nehru University ( JNU) found that the exposure to radiation from mobile towers and mobile phones could have an adverse impact on male fertility and pose health hazards by depleting the defence mechanism of cells.

திருக்குறளில் சத்தியப் பிரமாணம்

திருக்குறளில் சத்தியப் பிரமாணம் எடுத்துக் கொண்ட முதல் கனடியத் தமிழ்ப் பெண்மணி – யுணிற்றா நாதன்

2010ம் ஆண்டிற்கான நகரசபைத் தேர்தலில் சரித்திரம் படைத்த முதற் கனடியத் தமிழ்ப் பெண்மணி யுணிற்றா நாதன் ஆகும். மார்க்கம் 7ம் 8ம் வட்டாரத்தில் இடம் பெற்ற நகரசபைத் தேர்தலில் பாரிய அளவில் வாக்குகளைப் பெற்று பாடசாலைச் சபைக்குத் தெரிவு செய்யப்பட்ட இவர் டிசம்பர் 6ம் திகதி தனது சத்தியப் பிரமாணத்தினை எடுத்துக் கொண்டார். வாழ்வியலின் வழிமுறைகளை வளமுடன் கூறும் 1330 குறள்களினைக் கொண்ட திருவள்ளுவரினால் எழுத்தப்பட்ட திருக்குறளினைக் கொண்டு இவர் சத்தியப் பிரமாணம் செய்து கொண்டமை இங்கு குறிப்பிடத் தக்கது மாத்திரமன்றி மிகவும் பாராட்டப் படக் கூடியதாகும்.

பெரும்பாலான உலக நாடுகளில், கடவுளின் பெயரால் உறுதிமொழி கூறித்தான் பதவி ஏற்பு நிகழ்வுகள் நடந்து வருகின்றன. தொடக்க காலங்களில் இருந்ததைப் போன்று அரசியலில் மதத்தின் தலையீடு இப்போது இல்லை. ஆனாலும், கிறித்தவ நாடுகளில் பைபிளின் பெயரால், இசுலாமிய நாடுகளில் குரானின் பெயரால், இந்தியாவில் கடவுளின் பெயரால் பதவி ஏற்பது வழக்கமாக இருந்து வருகிறது.

அண்மையில் கனடாவில் திருக்குறளின் பெயரால் பதவி ஏற்பு நடந்திருக்கிறது. 2010 க்கான கனடா நகர்மன்றத் தேர்தலில், யுணிற்றா நாதன் என்னும் கனடியத் தமிழ்ப்பெண்மணி 60% வாக்குகளுடன் நகர்மன்றத்திற்குத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப் பட்டிருக்கிறார். டிசம்பர் 7 ஆம் நாள் நடைபெற்ற பதவிஏற்பு விழாவில், யுணிற்றா நாதன் கைகளில் திருக்குறள் நூலை ஏந்திப்பிடித்து, குறளின் பேரால் உறுதி மொழி கூறிப் பதவி ஏற்றிருக்கிறார். களவியல் , கற்பியல் என்று அக வாழ்க்கை யையும், அரசியல், அமைச்சியல், படையியல் என்று புற வாழ்க்கையையும் நெறிப்படுத்துகின்ற வாழ்வியல் நூலான திருக்குறளின் பெயரால் பதவி ஏற்பது எல்லாவிதத்திலும் மிகவும் பொருத்தமானது.

1967 க்கு முன்பு வரை, வள்ளுவன் தன்னை உலகினுக்கே தந்து வான்புகழ் கொண்ட தமிழ்நாட்டின் சட்டமன்றத்தில் கடவுளின் பெயரால்தான் பதவி ஏற்புகள் நடந்தன. 67 இல் பேரறிஞர் அண்ணா அவர்கள் முதலமைச்சர் ஆனபோது, அவரும், அவருடன் பதவிஏற்ற அவருடைய தம்பிகள் அனைவரும் மனசாட்சியின் பெயரால் உறுதிகூறி பதவிப் ஏற்றுக்கொண்டனர். அன்றிலிருந்து இன்றுவரை, திராவிட முன்னேற்றக் கழக உறுப்பினர்கள் பதவி ஏற்கும் போது அதே முறையைத்தான் பின்பற்றுகின்றனர். அண்ணா பெயரை ஒட்டவைத்துக் கொண்ட, புரட்சிகரமான தலைவர்களைக் கொண்ட கட்சியினர் இன்னும் கடவுளின் பெயரால்தான் பதவி ஏற்று வருகின்றனர். திருக்குறளின் பெயரால் பதவி ஏற்ற யுணிற்றா நாதனைப் பெருமையோடு பாராட்டுகிறோம்.

Thanks to Source:http://www.keetru.com/, www.eegarai.net