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யாரிடம் கற்பது

1. விடா முயற்சியை கடல் அலைகளிடம்

2. கடமை தவறாமையை கதிரவனிடம்

3. உத்வேகத்தை காட்டாற்றிடம்

4. புன் சிரிப்பு பூக்களிடம்

5. சுறுசுறுப்பை எறும்பிடம்

6. சேமிப்பை தேனியிடம்

7. பொறுமையை பூமியிடம்

8. கருணையை கடவுளிடம்

Balancing Life

Speech by Bryan Dyson (CEO of Coca Cola)

'Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the
air. You name them - work, family, health, Friends and spirit and you're
keeping all of these in the Air.

You will soon or one day understand that work is a rubber ball.

If you drop it, it will bounce back.

But the other four Balls - Family,Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of
glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked,
nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must
understand that and strive for Balance in your life.'

Very Happy Vinayagar Chathurthi

கடவுள் பாதி , மிருகம் பாதி , கலந்து செய்த , கலவை நான்

Sixteen Ways to Peace and happiness (Don'ts) Compiled on Jan 1, 1991:

1. Don't expect and don't hope. Just work at it.

2. Don't keep in the heart any hurt done by others. They can hurt you ONLY if you let them.

3. Don't compare. Excel your own expectations about you.

4. Don't mix with Rich people. Stay with your peers.

5. Don't build castles in the air. Work ground up.

6. Don't Brood over the past. Live in the Present.

7. Don't get angry on any account. Your number one enemy could be your own anger!

8. Don't expect any return for your services or help. Expect ungratefulness.

9. Don't be too familiar with any body. There is always a trace of unknown in each one of us.

10. Don't keep bad company unless you want to be like them.

11. Don't squander your wealth.

12. Don't think too much of your self.

13. Don't make mountains out of little moles.

14. Don't be extravagant. Be Frugal.

15. Don't waste Time.

16. Don't forget God.

Teaching: Compiled in Jan 1, 1998:

Abraham Lincoln's letter to School Head Master at the time of admission of his son:

"…he will have to learn. I know all men are not just. All men are not true. But..

· Teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every selfish politician, there is dedicated Leader.

· Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend and of course it will take time.

· Teach him that Dollar earned is of far more value, than five found.

· Teach him to learn to lose, and also enjoy winning.

· Teach him to be away from Envy.

· Teach him the secret of quiet laughter.

· Teach him the wonder of Books, and give him the time to ponder over the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, fish under the water and green flowers on great hillsides.

· Teach him that it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.

· Teach him to have faith in his own ideas.

· Teach him to be gentle, with gentle and tough with tough people.

· Teach him to develop the strength not follow the crowd when every one is getting in to the band party.

· Teach him to listen to all, but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of Truth and take only the Good the Good that comes through.

Vivekanandaa's Call to Nations: Compiled on Jan 1, 1998

· Break down the barriers among our Nations that separate us by narrow Domestic Walls.

· Arise, Awake and Stop not until the goal is reached.

· God is Love, Love God for the sake of Love.

· Give your heart to God, and hands to Work.

· Let Him place us wherever He likes. Let's work for betterment of the Humanity. That is the real service to God.

· We ought to live like Lotus leaves, which grow in water and but do not get moistened by the water.

· Give me the strength of mind, to Love God, without hope of any reward.

· Have Full faith in yourself. He can, who thinks he can.

· You must be strong in mind and body. Success will be yours.

· Strength of mind is Life. Weakness is the Death.

· Be a Man but not a coward.

· To succeed you must have tremendous Persuasion and Will.

· What you think you can be, you will be. What you think you can' be, you won't be. You are the result of your thoughts. So watch your thoughts.

· "I will drink the Ocean and Crumble the Mountain" that is the spirit of Will Power and self-confidence you must have.

· Remember that you are a part of the divinity. Kindle that Divinity in You and you will have Godly Powers.

· Face the Terrible Troubles Boldly. With an indomitable will and full faith in yourself. Success will be yours.

Sixteen Commandments of Mahatma Gandhi: Compiled on Feb 10, 1971:

1. Talk less

2. Hear what others say, but do what is Right.

3. Don't waste Time. Be punctual to the minute.

4. Be as simple as the poor.

5. Account for every pie spent by you.

6. Pray regularly.

7. Do Physical Exercise.

8. Eat Less.

9. Write Diary, daily.

10. Know that Heart is greater than Intellect

11. Appreciate the Dignity of labor. All work is Worship. Be it Low or High.

12. Be very thrifty and economical. And save every pie, which can be put to better use.

13. Plain Living and High Thinking are assets to any one.

14. Avoid all bad habits, like smoking, drinking, and Bad Company that spoils your Health and Wealth.

15. Self Help is the best Help.

16. Trust in God, and be devoted to your parents who are next to God.

Words By Great Personalities

William Shakesphere :

Three sentence for getting success :

a). Know more than other.

b). Work more than other.

c). Expect less than other.

Swami Vivekananda :

In a day when you don’t come across any problems – you can be sure that you are traveling in a wrong path.

Adolph Hitler :

If you win you need to explain…But if you lose you should not be there to explain.

Alen Strike :

Don’t compare yourself with any one in this world. If you do so , you are insulting yourself.

Mother Teresa :

If we cannot love the person whom we see, how can we love god, whom we cannot see ?

Bonnie Blair :

Winning doesn’t always mean bring first , winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before –

Thomas Edison :

I will not say I failed 1000 times , I will say that I discovered there are 1000 ways that can cause failure - - .

Leo Tolstoy :

Everyone thinks of changing the world , but no one think of changing himself…

Abraham Lincoln :

Believing everybody is dangerous ; believing nobody is very dangerous…

Einstein :

If someone feels that they have never made a mistake in their life , then it means they had never tried a new thing in their life….

Charles :

Never break four things in your life – Trust , Promise , Relation & Heart because when they break they don’t make noise but pains a lot ?

Mother Teresa :
If you start judging people you will be having no time to love them…