Welcome to My Blog - Yogananth

Team Spirit

It was a sports stadium.Eight Children were standing on the track to participate in the running event.

* Ready !
* Steady!!
* Bang !!!

With the sound of Toy pistol, all eight girls started running.Hardly have they covered ten to fifteen steps, one of the smaller girls slipped and fell down, due to bruises and pain she started crying.When other seven girls heard this sound, stopped running, stood for a while and turned back,they all ran back to the place where the girl fell down.One among them bent, picked and kissed the girl gently and enquired 'Now pain must have reduced'.All seven girls lifted the fallen girl, pacified her,two of them held the girl firmly and they all seven joined hands together and walked together and reached the winning post.Officials were shocked.Clapping of thousands of spectators filled the stadium.Many eyes we re filled with tears and perhaps it had reached the GOD even!YES.

This happened in Hyderabad, recently !The sport was conducted by! National Institute of Mental Health. All these special girls had come to participate in this event and they are spastic children.Yes, they were mentally retarded.

What did they teach this world?Teamwork?Humanity? Equality among all? .
. . . . . . . ????

Successful people help others who are slow in learning so that they are not felt far behind.Stay connected. An idea can change your life.This is really a great message..spread it!

The Human mind

iH, The pweor of the hmuan mnid.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutced at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit oedrer. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
wlohe. Amzanig huh ?

Don't get Disheartened for being last

A bus carrying only ugly people is involved in a
crash, and everyone on the bus dies.

They go to Heaven. Because of the grief they have
suffered, God decides to grant them one wish each,
before they enter Paradise.

They're all lined up, and God asks the first one what
their wish is.
The person answers, "I want to be beautiful," and so
God snaps His fingers, and it is done.
The second one in line sees this and says "I want to
be beautiful too."
Another snap of His fingers and the wish is granted.
This goes on for a while, but when God is halfway down
the line, the last person in line starts laughing.
When there are only ten people left, this man is
rolling on the floor, laughing .
Finally, God gets to the end of the line and asks the
laughing one what his wish will be.
The man eventually catches his breath, and says: "Make
them all ugly again".

Moral - Don't get disheartened for being last, as you
can still change others lives being last


If a female is reading this article then just realize the value of a
man; and if its a male then feel proud of after reading it!
One day, while a woodcutter was cutting a branch of a tree above a
river, his axe fell into the river.When he cried out,the Lord
appeared and asked, "Why are you crying?"
The woodcutter replied that his axe has fallen into water, and he
needed the axe to make his living.
The Lord went down into the water and reappeared with a golden axe.
"Is this your axe?" the Lord asked.
The woodcutter replied, "No."
The Lord again went down and came up with a silver axe. "Is this your
axe?" the Lord asked.
Again, the woodcutter replied, "No."
The Lord went down again and came up with an iron axe.
"Is this your axe?" the Lord asked.
The woodcutter replied, "Yes."
The Lord was pleased with the man's honesty and gave him all three
axes to keep, and the woodcutter went home happy.
Some time later the woodcutter was walking with his wife along the
riverbank,and his wife fell into the river.
When he cried out,the Lord again appeared and asked him,"Why are you
"Oh Lord, my wife has fallen into the water!"
The Lord went down into the water and came up with Jennifer Lopez.
"Is this your wife?" the Lord asked.
"Yes," cried the woodcutter.
The Lord was furious. "You lied! That is an untruth!"
The woodcutter replied, "Oh, forgive me, my Lord.. It is a
You see, if I had said 'no' to Jennifer Lopez, You would have come
with Catherine Zeta-Jones.
> Then if I said 'no' to her, you would have come up with my wife.
Had I then said 'yes,' you would have given me all three.
Lord, I am a poor man, and am not able to take care of all three
wives, so THAT'S why I said yes to Jennifer Lopez."
The moral of this story is: Whenever a man lies, it is for a good
honorable reason, and for the benefit of others.

Blood banks

There are the Sites of online Blood banks.Which helpful for everyone,
1) www.indianblooddonors.com (For all Types Blood Groups)

2) www.negativegroups.com (For Negative Blood Groups (A -ve)(B-ve),(O -ve)(AB -ve))
Where in you can search for a particular blood group. You will find lot of donor's addresses within your city. Please pass this on to everybody you know. We never know when an emergency will knock our life.
Though I always wish such a need never arises to you, but still you can pass the info and help somebody else. Hope You does so.

To: My Loving Wife....

A man checked into a hotel. There was a computer in
his room, So he decided to send an e-mail to his wife.
However, he accidentally Typed wrong e-mail address,
and without realizing his error, he sent the e-mail.
somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home
from her husband's funeral. The widow decided to check
her e-mail, expecting messages from relatives and
friends. After reading the first message, she fainted.
The widow's son rushed into the room, found his
mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which

To: My Loving Wife
Subject: I've Reached
Date: 9 June 2004
I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have
computers here now, and you are allowed to send
e-mails to your loved ones. I've just reached and have
been checked in. I see that everything has been
prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward
to seeing you then! Hope your journey is as uneventful
as mine was.
Your Loving Husband


Count every "F" in the following text:

...................... 3?

WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.
The reasoning behind is further down.
The brain cannot process "OF".
Incredible or what? Go back and look again!! Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius. Three is normal, four is quite rare.